
The characteristics that make it easy to spot a douchebag... or worse, how to tell if you're a douchebag.

Monday 19 December 2011

A Cautionary Tale

I found this while I was on facebook and it seemed to describe a douchebag pretty well. The names have been changed to protect the innocent, but the grammar has don't blame me.

by Ari Boguchi

When I was 17, I met a guy who was incredible. Somehow from day 1 we got along so great. We were always bickering, talking, joking around. At the time he was pretty much more a big brother to me and I always admired him since he was very motivated and ambitious. I always felt something for him but at the time I really thought it was just a simple crush because he was someone I respect and he intrigued me since I never seen a guy who was so in love and faithful and I guess that stuck in my mind. At the time I had to move from Japan to San Diego and I lost contact with him for several months. But somehow he came to my mind time to time. He was just that someone different for me. Days, weeks passed by and we finally hear from him. And I heard his voice and all I heard was sadness coming from him. I felt sad and upset even though it wasn’t bout me at all. I was upset with the fact of I couldn’t be there for him. When he was going through a hard time. Starting that day he would call often and still sadness in his voice. Somehow it made me feel closer to him. Hearing him being vulnerable made me feel like I had to be there for him and I heard exciting news about him moving to San Diego. I was very excited and couldn’t wait to see him since almost two years passed since the last time I saw him. I could still describe the night that I saw him. I got a phone call at work from my mother telling me. He finally arrived and he was picking me up from work. It was around November and chilled night. I couldn’t describe how nervous I was and when I finally saw him inside his car. I didn’t know if I should smile or wave or what. I completely lost track of my thoughts. I was just nervous the whole time. I only felt comfortable after he hugged me and told me “I am glad to see you “and kissed me on the forehead. I never seen him looked at me that way.  That’s when he got me. Yes, I fell for him. That night was perfect and never felt so happy. It continued for a while then it happened. He told me we couldn’t be together since I was young and I had to accomplish a lot in life. Honestly? My world crumbled. Couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep. I lost it. But I didn’t have a choice than move on. I accepted it and did my own thing. I had to live like he didn’t exist to me. Close to two years passed by and when you think you’re doing fine. Here comes challenge. Challenge called “Him “I received an email from him. I was curious at the same time didn’t want to read it. Finally read it. It took me one hour reading that mail over and over and questioning myself. Why now? What now? But it didn’t matter. Since that one mail already got my attention. I forgot everything I learned from the past and just went with it. Started talking to him again through online and he was still the same guy I fell in love with few years back. He was making me smile again. Somehow I had my hopes up and I thought this time would be different. I was telling myself everyday “this time it’s different. This time he’d want to be with me “but wrong! It became worst than I thought. I saw him and that was just a wrong decision to begin with because I fell harder for him than the last time. But you know, I was stubborn. This time I didn’t want to let it go. I couldn’t let go of it since I really thought we belong for each other. I even agreed to something I would never do but I felt like I had to do everything just to keep him. Shame on me huh? I didn’t want to give up. But he made me give up when he just vanished and moved without saying anything. That was a big slap on my face and I needed to go through the same steps again where I started. I realized how much he was affecting my life. But as I said I’m stubborn and creature of habit. I keep going back to something I’m comfortable in. sound stupid, I know. Trust me, I know. Few months passed and I dreamt bout him. It was such an odd dream because in my dream. He was asking to be part of my life. I woke up and had to shake it off. Very same night, of course I get a text from him. The man who vanished and never heard a word from in about five months. Coincidence? I don’t know. Friends advice me not to respond but how can I do that? I needed some answers and I had to get it. That night he came and sees me. I was pissed and mad but after seeing him. All of that went away. Everything he was telling me those were words that I’ve wanted to hear for a long time. I fell for it again. Honestly now I think about it I don’t even know if anything was real. Because now I feel like he was just feeding me what I wanted to hear. Somehow when it comes to him I could never make wise decision. I always wanted to believe in him. But you know what? I’m tired... I can’t fight for somebody who would not do the same for me. Plus in such a short period of time. He changed and the history is starting to repeat itself. And I do not want to be the victim anymore. Every time he chose some other girl over me I thought that’s because I wasn’t good enough for him. That I do not deserve him. But I was wrong this whole time. I got it twisted. The truth is he doesn’t deserve me. And he is not the same man who I fell in love with. The man I fell in love with would never do this to me. He would never hurt me and he would never lie to me. I guess people change. It’s a shame because I love that man who I met six years ago… the man who always had a smile on his face.

 If you are reading this... you probably know where I’m coming from. After seeing that girl’s photo. It hit me big time. I am just a nobody for you. I’m tired of fighting and waiting for nothing especially when I know you wouldn’t do the same thing for me. It doesn’t make sense for me to hold on to something that’s not mine.

I’m done and you probably had enough of playing me right? So please just act like you don’t know me and I would do the same. I did not deserve any of this. Because I was always, always good to you. So I’m still thinking why me? But who cares now. It already happened.

By the way remember the day you asked me why I’m in love with you? So that’s all the answer… ……….. Bye.

Let this be a cautionary tale to all the young ladies out there: Guys will do anything to get some. Don't be stupid.

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